Why Every Business Needs A Notary

March 30, 2024



In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a notary public on staff is not just a luxury—it’s a strategic advantage. This article dives into the significant benefits of incorporating a notary into your team, identifies which businesses stand to gain the most, and offers guidance on designating the right staff member for notarization duties.

Benefits of Having a Notary on Staff

Streamlined Operations: Having a notary on staff simplifies the process of authenticating business documents. From contracts to affidavits, the immediate availability of a notary can significantly reduce turnaround times, enhancing operational efficiency.

Enhanced Trust and Credibility: A notary public’s seal is a symbol of trust and legitimacy. Notarized documents demonstrate a level of seriousness and authenticity to stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and financial institutions.

Cost Savings: Outsourcing notarial services can add up in costs and time. An in-house notary saves the company money and reduces dependency on external services, allowing for quicker decision-making and execution.

Risk Mitigation: The notarization process helps mitigate risks by ensuring that all parties signing a document are doing so willingly and under their true identity. This preventive measure can be invaluable in protecting the business against fraud and legal disputes.

What Types of Businesses Benefit the Most from Having a Notary on Staff?

While nearly any business can benefit from the services of a notary, certain sectors find it particularly advantageous:

  • Real Estate: For closing agreements, leases, and other property-related documents.
  • Legal Firms: Notaries are essential for a myriad of legal documents and affidavits.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial services companies frequently require notarization for loans, mortgages, and other significant financial agreements.
  • Healthcare: For medical documents that require the authentication of patient consent or medical histories.
  • Construction and Engineering: For contract notarizations, permits, and municipal documents.

Who in My Office Should Be a Notary?

Ideally, someone with a role that already involves handling sensitive documents or legal processes makes a good candidate. This could be:

  • Office Manager: They’re often tasked with administrative responsibilities that could align well with notary duties.
  • Legal Advisor or In-House Counsel: If your business has legal staff, adding notarial duties to their role can centralize legal and authentication tasks.
  • Human Resources Personnel: HR staff frequently handle confidential documents, making them well-suited to take on notarization tasks.

The chosen individual should be detail-oriented, trustworthy, and comfortable handling confidential information. Additionally, they must meet the state’s eligibility requirements to become a notary public.


Incorporating a notary public into your team is a strategic move that can enhance your business’s operational efficiency, credibility, and risk management. While the benefits extend across various sectors, businesses that deal with legal documents, financial agreements, and contracts stand to gain the most. By carefully selecting a staff member to fulfill this role, businesses can streamline processes, save costs, and safeguard against fraud. Ultimately, a notary on staff is an invaluable asset for any business looking to solidify its foundation and facilitate growth.